Cow Cage relic - Chuong Bo Con Dao

From the center of Con Dao town, tourists can walk along Vo Thi Sau road to visit the Cow Cage relic site built by the French colonials in 1930. It is used to prison detainees, including 9 cells which is next to 24 pig feeders, and there are 2 cow cages and a reservoir to contain feces and urine from cows. In American war, this place used to detain political prisoners who chained for long time and have amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. Since 1973, Cow Cage is the office of the Sub-Commission for exploitation under a specialized board. Prisoners who were suspected of revolution were brought here for investigation. Specialists apply various forms of brutal torture such as beatings with bamboo shoots, braces 2 bamboo rods into the legs ... Many prisoners were paralyzed, disabled by the torture and exile in the Cow Cage.
Cow Cage relic
