French tiger Cage monument - Con Dao

From the visitor center to the north east of Con Son Island, to the end of Ton Duc Thang road to visit the tomb of the French tiger, built in 1940, Tiger cage is the name that prisoners set for centuries. The law consists of two zones, each with 60 rooms, above having firm solid bars and corridors for prisoners.Opposite of 60 non-roofed rooms are arranged in 4 rows, interwoven two tiger cages are called "Solarium", area: 5,808 m2. This is not only the place where the enemy has imprisoned, exiled many generations of revolutionary soldiers, Vietnamese patriots but also the place to show the incredible mettle of the collective prisoners. For instance, there were the anti-separatism movement and anti-flag campaign (1957-1961) which was associated with the "old tiger-cage man" Cao Van Ngoc and Luu Chi Hieu soldier; five winning stars in anti-separatism movement associated with Nguyen Duc Thuan, PhanTrong Binh, Pham Quoc Sac, Nguyen Minh and Le Van Mot. Tiger cage were destroyed by the enemy in 1970 under the pressure of condemnation of human conscience after having discover the tiger cage.

French tiger Cage monument - Con Dao

The French tiger cage was approved by Prime Minister on Decision No. 548 / QĐ-TTg as Special National Monument on May 10, 2012.
