PHI YEN shrine (An Son shrine) - Mieu An Son

An Son shrine is about 2 km southwest of Con Dao center. It is used to worship Queen l'hi Yen next wife of Lord Nguyen Phuc Anh.

According to the legend Queen Phi Yon dared to intercede with Lord Nguyen Anh: "The fight with the Tay Son was a secret, and I thought that you should not ask for the help of a foreigner (France). If Tay Son won, not only there wouldn't be any pride but also a lot of problems would happen,

PHI YEN shrine (An Son shrine) - Mieu An Son

Because of that advice, she was imprisoned by the Lord Nguyen Anh on the small island of Con Lon (Ba island today). However, after that, her two loyal animals which is Black Tiger and White Gibbons brought her back Co Ong village According to the lunar calendar, in October 1785, An Hai villagers invited Ms. Phi Yen from Co Ong village to attend a vegetarian festival. In the village there was a butcher named Bien Phi assumed her a beautiful woman As a result, in the next midnight he sneaked into her room to rape her.However, just right at the moment he touched her arm, she immediately woke up.Due to be outraged her own virtue she cut off the arm that the butcher  the touched; and that night Phi Yen committed suicide monument of An Son shrine as a to be protect her integrity. To commemorate her historical and cultural vestige of the merits and virtues, the villagers set up the shrine

Every year, on October 18 (lunar  calendar), the people celebrate a solemn ,death anniversary for her.  On (8/44/2007, Ba Ria Vung Tau .  People's Committee issued Decision No. ,  1442/ QD UBND to recognize the Moment of An son Shrine As a historical and cultural Vestige of the province .
