Phu Phong Jail Relic Con Dao

Located on Nguyen Van Cu Street, visitors can walk or travel by car to visit the relic of Phu Phong Jail, this is an independent prison not in the French Tiger Cages Area. In 1962, American imperialism built the jail V in order to expand the prisons system. After the Paris Agreement, it was renamed Phu Phong Camp, consisting of 12 cells divided into three rows, each with 4 rooms and a kitchen; with a total area of 3,594m2 and the fibroxim-cement roof shielded in front of the French Tiger Cages Area. In 1965, the enemy imprisoned a group of prisoners and the new captives sent to Con Dao. This is the place where many persecutions of the enemy have taken place, and also the place where the unyielding spirit of the female prisoners and prisoners of war were detained.

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The Phu Phong Jail Relic has been approved by the Prime Minister as Decision No. 548 / QD-TTg as National Special Monument on May 10, 2012.
