Phu Tho Jail Relic Con Dao

Located on Nguyen Van Cu Street, visitors can walk or go by car to visit the Phu Tho Jail, also known as Banh III. The Phu Tho Jail was built in 1928 by the French colonialists. From there, comrade Vu Van Hieu, the first secretary of Hon Gai Mine special zone, breathed his last breath. At the end of life, he handed over a coat to his friend Le Duan, with the words, "Live to serve the revolution." Martyr Vu Van Hieu has become a symbol of the communists: "Living for the party - dying does not leave the Party", and became the inspiration for the artist to create the “coat-giving monument" through the verse:

“Dead but still take off to each other 

Rice bowl saves for warming up the next.”(To Huu)


 The Phu Tho Jail Relic has been approved by the Prime Minister as Decision No. 548 / QD.TTg as National Special Monument on May 10, 2012.
