Phu Tuong Jail Relic - Trai Giam Phú Thượng Côn Đảo

Located on Nguyen Van Cu Street, visitors can walk or travel by car to visit Phu Tuong camp. Phu Tuong camp was built in 1940 by the French colonialists. The first one was called Banh III sub-district. There were also named as Lao III sub-camps, Bac Ai sub camp, IV camp and finally Phu Tuong camp. The area is 5.804 m2, including: 8 cells divided into two ranges.It was the place where French

Phu Tuong Jail Relic

colonialists and American imperialists had imprisoned and generations of soldiers, Vietnamese patriots. And at the same time, it showed the resilient spirit of the collective prisoners of war detention.
