So Lo Voi Relic - Di tích Sở Lò Voi Côn Đảo

Located on Nguyen Van Cu Street, visitors can travel by car to visit the place. This is one of the 18 harsh prisons created by the French colonialists in order to thoroughly exploit the labor of prisoners. So Loi Voi was built in 1864, specializing in coral reefs supplying the whole island. There were 4-5 groups of prisoners in charge the process of burning the kiln. The labor force was divided into two groups: one group usually dived and collected coral reefs, each month must have four coral barges, the other of 12 people put corals into the kiln to build houses, bridges. This is seen as an indictment of prisoners' labor exploitation policy. 

Days in hard works, nights in cells in the extreme cold, lacking food, clothes, prisoners can die any time with these forms. In the American imperial era, this prison was stationed and was added an additional house in the area.
