The Cong Quan house relic - Nha Cong Quan Con Dao

The relic is located in the town center of Con Dao. Tourists can easily find the Cong Quan relic on Ton Duc Thang street. The house was built by French colonial in the late nineteenth century, with an area of 150 m2. At present, the Cong Quan relic has been restored together with the royal island palace. Here, a talented French musician named Camille Saint Seans had stayed around for a month (20/3 - 19/4/1895). During this one month in Con Dao, he witnessed prisoners making daily heavy workload such as: drowning for hours underwater to get corals which used to make lime, making road, dragging wood... He could not imagine that although the prisoners were tortured brutally, they were still optimistic. Ironically, Con Dao island has a beautiful landscape. When he had returned to his room, he went to bed and finished the final chapter his opera "Brunechilda". His concerns and sorrow remains in the letter to island Lord Jacke: "Wherever beauty is respected, crime is repelled, there is no need for law." Today, visitors can come here early in the morning to watch the beautiful Con Son Bay at dawn.
The Cong Quan house relic - Nha Cong Quan Con Dao

The Moment was approved by the Prime Minister on Decision No 548 as special National Monument on May 10, 2012
