The Phu Binh camp relic (American tiger Cage) - TRẠI PHÚ BÌNH CHUỒNG CỌP MỸ

Located on Nguyen Van Cu Street, visitors can travel by car to visit the site of Phu Binh Camp. There are 4 zones: AB, CD, EF, GH, each with 2 rows, each row has with 48 rooms. The total area is 25,768 m2. This is the harshest solitary confinement in the final stages of this dungeon. The puppet regime uses the disadvantage of nature to exile prisoners. Although, the rulers haven't used a whip yet, American tiger cage has tortured prisoners sophisticatedly. This was the starting point and center of the revolutionary revolt to free prisoners in Con Dao at 01:00 am, on May 1, 1975. At 08:30, on May 1, 1975, political prisoners completely owned Con Dao and ended "Hell on Earth" after 113 years (1862-1975).

The Phu Binh camp relic (American tiger Cage) - TRẠI PHÚ BÌNH CHUỒNG CỌP MỸ

The Phu Binh camp relic has been approved by the Prime Minister on Decision No. 548 / QĐ-TTg as Special National Monument on May 10, 2012.
